
Sunday, October 28, 2018

Out of ideas

A friend of mine posted that, in the wake of yesterday’s shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA, that telling people to love each other wasn’t working.  He was “out of ideas’.

So am I.

This week, a Gwinnett County police officer was laid to rest after being killed in the line of duty.  (I had knee surgery Wednesday.  One of the nurses who took care of me is the wife of a Gwinnett County police officers.  All I could say to her was that I was sorry all of this had happened.)

This week, a man was arrested for sending pipe bombs to a number of prominent Democrats, including the Clintons and the Obamas.  A photo of his van shows it decorated in anti-Democrat, pro-Trump slogans.

And then yesterday came a shooting that left 11 people dead.

I’m out of ideas.

I’m out of ideas in how to stop this hate, this killing, this absolute anger that’s convulsed our country in ways we haven’t seen since 1968.

I feel like I MUST march in lock step with a certain political agenda, or else I will be shamed and shunned, even by people I know.

We don’t listen.  We’re more interested in screaming at each other.

What is it going to take, people?

Another 9/11?
Another Civil War?
Something worse than that?

I don’t know.

I just now that I will totally helpless.

Like my friend, I am out of ideas.

Just my .04, adjusted for inflation.