
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tina's TEOTWAWKI Journal, Day 18

I glanced over yesterday's entry, and realized that I never explained about my small group and the Roosevelts.

We used Zoom yesterday evening to meet with the other people in our small group.  It took a little while to get everything working, but we had a nice conversation once it did, and we also had a short prayer together.  It was good to "see" them but it is nothing like a face-to-face conversation.  The two other women in the chat can't really go out very much.  One is a long-term cancer survivor and the other just finished radiation for cancer.  They are considered high-risk.  So their husbands are taking good care of them.

Now, the Roosevelts . . . PBS is offering a few of the Ken Burns films for free through their app.  So yesterday, I started watching his series on the Roosevelts.  Part of me admires Teddy's spirit and FDR's concern for the common man . . . and part of me is ticked off at the way Teddy handled his daughter Alice and how FDR cheated on his wife.

Ken Burns has an interesting way of handling history, which is why I enjoy his films.  I have seen the Roosevelt series before but am looking forward to seeing it again.

In the meantime, even though we are under a "stay at home" order, I do have to venture out to take my son to an already scheduled appointment. 

(Finished on March 31st).  The appointment went well.  One of the eerie things I saw while we were out was the overhead signs on the interstate saying "Coronavirus, keep elderly and chronically ill isolated."  The last time I saw something that eerie on our overhead signs was 9/11, when I saw "National emergency, airport closed". 

Okay, time to do this day's post one day late.  All together now:

It's the end of the world as we know it
It's the end of the world as we know it
It's the end of the world as we know it
And I feel fine!

Just my .04, adjusted for inflation.

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